Why fat doesn’t make you fat

Why fat doesn’t make you fat

  ‘Eating fat is going to make you put on weight…’   We have ALL heard this. Our parents, grandparents, aunt’s & uncles – feeling as though they have the right to comment on our body image & our food intake, meaning well of course, have likely said...
What you need to know about period products & what to buy

What you need to know about period products & what to buy

When buying period products such as pads, tampons, menstrual cups and period undies it’s really important to be aware of what you’re putting in your body/on your vulva as both the vagina and vulva are able to absorb toxins straight into the bloodstream, bypassing the...
Vaginal health

Vaginal health

We don’t talk about vulvas* and vaginas* often enough. This is something that I want to break apart! As a women’s health Naturopath, it’s really important to me that talking about our body parts & what’s happening with them is both comfortable & normalized,...
Exciting news

Exciting news

As we welcome April, I’ve got some really exciting news to share – I’ve been accepted into further study & will be completing a Masters of Counselling! While I don’t usually share personal life updates in my blogs I thought this was a pretty big one, and it made...
Food as medicine

Food as medicine

There is one big difference when it comes to tackling diet from a Naturopathic perspective compared to from a dietetics perspective. As Naturopaths we approach making dietary changes from the perspective of the Naturopathic principles (which you can read about briefly...