I recently had my hormones checked, partly because I felt a few “hormonal things” were happening and partly because I was super curious. And my results surprised me. I was surprised because my progesterone levels (the hormone responsible for keeping you calm and centered, among other things) were optimal, but my oestrogen levels were way too high!

And there are a few underlying reasons for this. The first one is perhaps I’m not excreting oestrogen effectively from my body.

The second?

Xenoestrogens. It occurred to me that the general public does not really know what these are and how they affect hormone health.

Understanding Xenoestrogens and Their Impact on Perimenopause

As we approach perimenopause, our bodies undergo significant hormonal changes, which can lead to various symptoms and challenges. One often overlooked factor that can influence these symptoms is the presence of xenoestrogens in our environment. These synthetic compounds mimic oestrogen in the body and can disrupt hormonal balance, exacerbating perimenopausal symptoms. In this blog post, we’ll explore what xenoestrogens are, how they affect hormone levels, particularly oestrogen, and offer practical tips for reducing their impact.

What Are Xenoestrogens?

Xenoestrogens are synthetic or natural chemicals that mimic oestrogen, a crucial hormone in regulating the menstrual cycle, reproductive system, and overall health. Unlike natural oestrogens, which are produced by the body, xenoestrogens are man-made and can be found in various products and substances.

Common sources of xenoestrogens:

  • Pesticides: Used in agriculture, these chemicals can leach into food and water.
  • Plastics: Bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates are well-known xenoestrogens in plastics and personal care products.
  • Personal Care Products: Some lotions, shampoos, and cosmetics contain estrogen-like compounds.
  • Household Products: Cleaning agents, detergents, and air fresheners can also be sources of xenoestrogens.

How Do Xenoestrogens Affect Hormone Levels?

During perimenopause, oestrogen levels fluctuate and eventually decline. This natural decrease in oestrogen can lead to symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, and irregular periods. However, the presence of xenoestrogens in the body can further complicate this transition by:

  • Disrupting Hormonal Balance: Xenoestrogens can bind to oestrogen receptors, potentially leading to overestimating estrogen levels in the body. This disruption can worsen symptoms like hot flashes and mood swings.
  • Increasing Estrogen Dominance: By mimicking oestrogen, xenoestrogens can contribute to oestrogen dominance, a condition where the balance between oestrogen and progesterone is skewed. This imbalance can increase symptoms and health issues such as weight gain and fatigue.
  • Compounding Perimenopausal Symptoms: As xenoestrogens contribute to hormonal imbalance, they can make the transition into menopause more challenging, exacerbating symptoms and prolonging discomfort.

Tips for Reducing Xenoestrogens

Reducing exposure to xenoestrogens can help manage perimenopausal symptoms and support overall hormonal health. Here are three practical tips to minimise their impact:

  1. Choose Organic Foods: Organic fruits and vegetables are less likely to be treated with synthetic pesticides and herbicides that contain xenoestrogens. Opting for organic produce can reduce your exposure to these chemicals. Additionally, wash all fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any residual pesticides.
  2. Switch to Natural Personal Care Products: Many conventional personal care products contain xenoestrogens. Look for natural or organic brands that avoid harmful chemicals. Check ingredient labels for potential xenoestrogens like parabens, phthalates, and synthetic fragrances. You can read more about this here.
  3. Avoid Plastics: Plastic products, particularly those marked with recycling codes 3 (phthalates) and 7 (BPA), can leach xenoestrogens into food and beverages. Use glass, stainless steel, or BPA-free plastic alternatives for food storage and avoid heating food in plastic containers.

      As you navigate perimenopause, being mindful of xenoestrogens can play a significant role in managing your hormonal health. By understanding what xenoestrogens are, how they impact estrogen levels, and implementing strategies to reduce exposure, you can help mitigate their effects and support a smoother transition through this life stage.

      If you’d like to explore how we can work together, you’re more than welcome to book in a free discovery call with me to learn about how Clinical Nutrition can support you through this journey – supporting your hormone regulation in perimenopause & working through practical steps to reduce your xenoestrogen exposure. We also have heaps of exciting content on the way diving into perimenopause, and a free talk coming up soon at Croydon library!

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      This blog does not provide individualised health advise. The information mentioned in this blog is educational in nature and is here to help you make informed decisions regarding your health. It is essential that you work with your healthcare practitioners to assess what is right for you.

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