Vaginal health

Vaginal health

We don’t talk about vulvas* and vaginas* often enough. This is something that I want to break apart! As a women’s health Naturopath, it’s really important to me that talking about our body parts & what’s happening with them is both comfortable & normalized,...
Exciting news

Exciting news

As we welcome April, I’ve got some really exciting news to share – I’ve been accepted into further study & will be completing a Masters of Counselling! While I don’t usually share personal life updates in my blogs I thought this was a pretty big one, and it made...
Food as medicine

Food as medicine

There is one big difference when it comes to tackling diet from a Naturopathic perspective compared to from a dietetics perspective. As Naturopaths we approach making dietary changes from the perspective of the Naturopathic principles (which you can read about briefly...
What is Naturopathy?

What is Naturopathy?

  This is the question that I get asked the most. In my personal life, in my business, and in my free discovery calls. Naturopathy is a practice where we support the body’s innate ability to heal itself. We work holistically, looking at the whole body, emotional...
What is Hashimoto’s?

What is Hashimoto’s?

Hashimoto’s is an autoimmune condition, which means that the body is attacking its own cells. In this instance, the cells in the thyroid. The thyroid is a butterfly-shaped hormone producing organ located in the neck, near the Adam’s Apple. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis...